making money online

Among the biggest secrets behind super affiliates is which they apply the principle of affiliate niche marketing, meaning targeting an inferior but more specific niche market within a general broad niche making money online.


The stark reality is, affiliate niche marketing enables you to earn massive income online because it is much easier to target buyers and not merely surfers.


So allow me to offer you 3 steps to making massive online income using affiliate niche marketing.


Step 1 - Get Into A Popular General Niche


Ever wondered why markets like weight loss, forex or healthcare are so popular? It's simple - their huge income potential is just too hard to resist.


So find one huge general niche that's very popular, and then go on to step 2.


And for intent behind illustration, let's take weight loss as our example.


Step 2 - Determine Your Specific Niche


Weight loss is a huge market, but it's too general a niche. And that makes applying the affiliate niche marketing technique really perfect.


Doing some research online informs me there are people looking for weight loss supplements, exercises to lose weight etc.


Those are sub niches on their own, and I've to determine which specific niche I want to target, and then proceed to step 3.


Needless to say, depending on the general niche you're targeting in step 3, you may or might not get as much sub niches. But this task continues to be necessary.


Step 3 - Get It Off The Ground


Step 2 is just the beginning of the affiliate niche marketing technique. Without step 3, you're pretty much stuck where you are.


So from our previous example from before, I'll choose "Weight Loss for Children Under 10" ;.And researching online, I develop some related keywords.


Effective Weight loss diets for Children under 10


Safe Weight Loss Activities for Children under 10


3 Weight Loss Exercises That's Suitable For Children Under 10


After that, I'd create a free blog by writing content around all the keywords that I've just listed. And since I got 3 keywords, I'll just start with 3.


I'll also identify a product online that I can sell being an affiliate, and put it on my free blog so people can buy from my site.


On a weekly basis, I'd then consistently put out 1 little bit of content that's been optimized around that keyword, striking a great balance between keyword optimized articles which can be easy to rank for on the search engines and articles which can be written simply for the grade of the content.


That is one important facet of affiliate niche marketing, because I want it simple for people find my site online through useful information I post up.


Step 4 - Repeat for other niches


Another big secret of highly successful affiliates is that they're don't just target one niche, nevertheless they target many so they really get many streams of income. And given that you've just learnt the secrets of affiliate niche marketing, you are able to repeat steps 1 to 3 and get many streams of income.


It might be a simple plan, but once you try it, you'll realize that affiliate niche marketing works, and it could continue steadily to work online for a long time and bring you great passive income.


And if you're keen to learn in more detail how to apply affiliate niche marketing  in more detail, check out this resource at Super Affiliate. It's reveals the secrets of the amount #1 super affiliate in the world, and it has probably the most affiliate niche marketing secrets I've ever en making money online.